Sunday, July 30, 2006


Suprised !! aren't you ...this is the magic of fantasy world.....................
I was playing this game FIFA ROAD TO WORLD CUP 06 by EA
and managed to guide India to a 3-2 victory over England to win the

Hmmm...Only if it could happen in reality

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Carrot, Egg, and Coffee

A young woman went to her mother and told her abouther life and how things were so hard for her. Shedid not know how she was going to make it and wantedto give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling.It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.
Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled threepots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soonthe pots came to boil. In the first she placedcarrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in thelast she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sitand boil,without saying a word. In about twentyminutes she turned off the burners. She fished thecarrots out and placed them in a bowl.She pulled theeggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladledthe coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to herdaughter, she asked, "Tell me what you see." "Carrots, eggs,and coffee," she replied.
Her mother brought her closer and asked her tofeel the carrots. She did and noted that they weresoft. The mother then asked the daughter to take anegg and break it. After pulling off the shell, sheobserved the hard boiled egg. Finally, the motherasked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughtersmiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter thenasked, "What does it mean, mother?" Her motherexplained that each of these objects had faced thesame adversity: boiling water.
Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong,hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjectedto the boiling water, it softened and became weak. Theegg had been fragile. Its thin outershell had protected its liquid interior, but aftersitting through the boiling water, its inside becamehardened. The ground coffee beans were unique,however. After they were in the boiling water, theyhad changed the water. "Which are you?" she askedher daughter."When adversity knocks on your door, how do yourespond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?"Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seemsstrong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt andbecome soft and lose my strength? Am I the egg thatstarts with a malleable heart, but changes with theheat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, abreak-up, a financial hardship or some other trial,have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell lookthe same, but on the inside am I bitter and toughwith a stiff spirit and hardened heart? Or am I likethe coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water,the very circumstance that brings the pain.When the water gets hot,it releases the fragrance andflavour. If you are like the bean,whenthings are at their worst, you get better and changethe situation around you. When the hour is the darkestand trials are their greatest, do you elevateyourself to another level? How do you handleadversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffeebean? May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow tokeep you human and enough hope to make you happy. Thehappiest of people don't necessarily havethe best of everything; they just make the most ofeverything that comes along their way. Thebrightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you letgo of your past failures and heartaches. When youwere born, you were crying and everyone around you wassmiling.
Live your life so at the end, you're the one whois smiling and everyone around you is crying. Youmight want to send this message tothose people who mean something to you (I JUSTDID); to those who have touched your life in one wayor another; to those who make you smilewhen you really need it; to those who make yousee the brighter side of things when you are reallydown; to those whose friendship you appreciate; tothose who are so meaningful in your life. If you don'tsend it, you will just miss out on theopportunity to brighten someone's day with thismessage! It's easier to build a child than repair anadult. This is so true -May we all be COFFEE.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Just finished reading a book which was incidentally given to me by my Manager, it is a book by Spencer Johnson and is called THE PRESENT.

Maybe, just maybe my manager got a hint that I was going thru a bumpy ride in my life and decided to inject some extra fuel into me. The book has helped me in more ways than one but how much i can put it use in real life is mystery for me to resolve.

Now the book is all about this women Liz, who's broke and does know how to cope with what's happenning in her life. She decides to meet Bill, who on the contrary was enjoying great success in life. Bill then narrates a story to Liz which at the end sums up something like this --

" It is important to focus on what's happening now and gaining the benefits today. We can become more effective and successful by simply progressing toward what is important each day, one day at a time. Its all about enjoying the work or whatever you are doing now. You can learn from the past but it is not wise to be in the past and the future is uncertain and you can in no way be prepared for it. So THE PRESENT is now and how we respond to it. "


Friday, July 14, 2006


Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Monday, July 10, 2006


Just a thought crossed my mind.....what if we had a rewind button in our life, maybe we could have gone back to our past and lived the same life again in a different way.
Atleast i would have loved to do it, push a rewind button and there i would go flying back into my past. I maybe then would have lived the new life in a better way, trying to become a better person each and every second of it. Trying to know what is right and what is not and thinking more precisely about the future. It is a real shame as to how some of me...waste their precious life by not doing things seriously when in school or college. Life hits back at u with all its bitterness and you have no way to get out of it.
Complaining.........r u...........thinking life has put forward all the bad vices on u and feel u r down and out. Give a sneek peek in your past and u wud know the i have done so.
So what i now try to acheive through my work and my life is to be a better person and be of some use to my surroundings, my family, my friends and to be honest in each endevour i take and have the gutts to say I NEVER GAVE UP AND KEPT PUSHING ON IN LIFE AND I AM WHAT I AM.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


The greatest guitarist ever born
An Amazing Lyrics Writer with a lovely Voice
My Favourite Musician

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Beautiful Song By DON WILLIAMS...............


I don't believe in superstars
organic food and foreign cars
I don't believe the price of gold
the certainty of growing old
that right is right and left is wrong
that north and south can't get along
that east is east and west is west
and being first is always best.

But I believe in love, I believe in babies
I believe in mom and dad, and I believe in you.

Well I don't believe that heaven waits
for only those who congregate
I like to think of God as love
He's down below, He's up above
He's watching people everywhere
He knows who dies and doesn't care
and I'm an ordinary man
sometimes I wonder who I am.

But I believe in love, I believe in music
I believe in magic, and I believe in you.
I know with all my certainty what's goin'
with you and me is a good thing
it's true, I believe in you.

I don't believe virginity is
as common as it used to be
in working days and sleeping nights
that black is black and white is white
that Superman and Robin Hood
are still alive in Hollywood
that gasoline's in short supply
the rising cost of getting by.

But I believe in love, I believe in old folks
I believe in children, I believe in you.
I believe in love, I believe in babies
I believe in mom and dad, and I believe in you.



You and me
We used to be together
Everyday together always
I really feel
That I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know
Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't speak I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts

Our memories
Well, they can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightening
As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts (no, no, no)
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts
It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are...
You and me I can see us dying...are we?
Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts (no, no, no)
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't tell me cause it hurts!
I know what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't speak,don't speak, don't speak,
oh I know what you're thinking
And I don't need your reasons
I know you're good,
I know you're good,
I know you're real good
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't tell me tell me cause it hurts


Tuesday, July 04, 2006


................................she died on 07th October, 03

Some people may think why I thought to write this almost three years after her death. There is one and only one reason. It took those many a months to realize that what a gaping hole she had left in my life. As the time passed on the inevitable truth became a ugly realization that my mother is no more beside me.

may i be your son if i am born again on this earth.

About her:

She was born on the 13th of October, 1939 in Shillong, Meghalaya.(Ain't it ironic she died in the same month on which she was born)I have never seen somebody like her, she was extremely kind hearted. Never in my life have I seen her do something without sharing it with her close one's.

For some strange reason I was the closest to my mom amoung the three brothers & sisters we are. I saw her battle a disease all thru her life without even complaining for once, she was an Asthma patient. She could not do her daily choros without having some pills which would keep the asthma at bay. But her will power and a strong heart kept her moving where anybody else would have given away.

She was a perfect mother and raised her children as simply as possible, that is why maybe we are what we are today. She loved to read books and listen to music. I had promised to fill her with music and books when i would be earning but that never happenned. She could not even wear the first ever sari i had given from my first salary during durga puja. Unlucky Me..............

I am rather losing my words now.............will slowly complete the whole blog...........

THIS IS FOR U MOM..........LUV YA !!

Saturday, July 01, 2006


The festival of football has just started. The Football World Cup to me is the most watched sporting event in the world. I have tried to look back on the glorious history of this prestigious event, here are some facts.

The FIFA Football world Cup trophy is the work of Italian artist Silvio Gazzaniga. The current FIFA World Cup Trophy cannot be won outright, as the regulations state that it shall remain FIFA's own possession. The World Cup winners retain it until the next tournament and are awarded a replica, gold-plated rather than solid gold. The new trophy is 36 cm high, made of solid 18-carat gold and weighs 6175 grammes. The base contains two layers of semi-precious malachite while the bottom side of the Trophy bears the engraved year and name of each FIFA World Cup winner since 1974.

The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded in the rear of the headquarters of the Union Française de Sports Athlétiques in Paris on 21 May 1904.

The previous world cups & their winners, Uruguay 1930 - Uruguay bt. Argentina, Italy 1934 - Italy bt. Czechoslovakia, France 1938 - Italy bt. Hungary, Brazil 1950 - Uruguay bt. Brazil, Switzerland 1954 - Germany bt. Hungary, Sweden 1958 - Brazil bt. Sweden, Chile 1962 - Brazil bt. Czechoslovakia, England 1966 - England bt. Germany, Mexico 1970 - Brazil bt. Italy, Germany 1974 - Germany bt. Netherlands, Argentina 1978 - Argentina bt. Netherlands, Spain 1982 - Italy bt. Germany, Mexico 1986 - Argentina bt. Germany, Italy 1990 - Germany bt. Argentina, USA 1994 - Brazil bt. Italy, France 1998 - France bt. Brazil, Korea/Japan 2002 - Brazil bt Germany, Germany 2006 - ??

Brazil are 5 time champions of the cup and have been in the final for the last 3 world cups and have featured in a total of 7 World Cup finals. Argentina on the other hand have been 2 time champions and have featured in 4 World Cup finals.

So this south american duo have won 7 World Cups between them out of 17, simply phenomenal.

But my personal favourite is offcourse ARGENTINA., this blue and white team may not have won as many world cups as their counterparts but are a formidable force in World Cup Football.

Argentine line up with, forwards like Hernan Crespo, Lionel Messi, Javier Saviola, mid fielders like Aimar, Cambiasso, Requelme, Gonzalez, defenders like Sorin, Burdisso, are ready to reck havoc. Argentine's are known for the immaculate passing and creating beautiful play making. They can beat any side on their best day. I hope to see the history re-wriiten and the boys in blue and white reign supreme.

So REST OF THE WORLD beware the ARGENTINE's are here.


I not much of a writer or anything but i tend to put my thoughts on paper. Now this a sort of a introduction for those you don't me as yet.
I was born in shillong, meghalaya on the 5th of March(the year is not be spelled out..hehe). My father was with the Controller and Auditor General of India. We were in all three brothers and sisters. Just two years after my birth we shifted base to Varanasi, due to my father's deputation there. My schooling started at St. John's School, DLW, Varanasi. Is was a ideal school for growing up with optimum impetus on public schooling way of teaching. The one tragedy which struck on our family was the tragic death of my elder and one and only sister due to blood cancer. The date still hounds my mind - 26.02.1982.
I was in Varanasi till 2nd standard after which the shifting bug bite us. We went to delhi then, there i studied in DAV public school, R.K.Puram (now does r.k.puram remind u of some recent happenings!! huh!!). After three years when i had completed my 5th standard in school, the goddess of shifting hit us once again. phew !! We found ourself's back to Varanasi. I lucky got into the same school. I completed my schooling from that school afterthat. That school has given me truck loads of memories. I found two friends whom are inseparable from my scope of thought. I need to mention them - Anupam Asthana a.k.a Aloo & Amit Kumar Sharma a.k.a sharmaji. I was complete nerd, jerk, say whatever u like, at school. After all i was a bong and was ready to be eatten up by all the surrounding UP-ites. Studies were at the back tier of my mind, i am paying the price now for such a behaviour now.
As i mentioned two of my friends and me had a fantastic time together. We have done thing which other children at that time used to just dream of. Gone r those days !!
My college was from Kolkata. Oh, I forgot to mention we shifted to our own house in Kol after my dad had retired from service. The college was South City College, I did my bachelor's there. Anyways, I am surviving and am in kolkata now working for a MNC as Operations/Admin - Team Leader.